CSS : Basic Attribute

Basic CSS Attribute
CSS can do anything like an HTML Attribute but CSS is more powerful. CSS can specify Background position with non-repeatable and CSS Background can insert image on any tag like <p>, <div>, <fieldset> and etc.

CSS Background
background-color: colorname || #hex;
background-image: url('foldername/filename');
background-repeat: no-repeat || repeat-x || repeat-y;
background-position: HorizontalPosition VerticalPosition;

div { 
   background-color: Red; 
   background-image: url('Images/mypic.gif');
   background-repeat: no-repeat; 
   Center Top; height: 500px; 
figure 1: Example 
CSS Text and Font

color: colorname || #hex;
text-align: left || right || center || justify;
vertical-align: middle || top || bottom;
text-indent: pixels;
text-decoration: underline || none;
font-size: pixels;
font-style: italic || none;

p { 
   color: #FF0000;
   text-align: center;
   font-size: 30px; 
   padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;

CSS Box (Table, div, p)
border: topstyle rightstyle bottomstyle leftstyle;

figure 2: Border Style

border-color: colorname || #hex;
border-width: toppixels rightpixels bottompixels leftpixels;
margin: toppixels rightpixels bottompixels leftpixels;
padding: toppixels rightpixels bottompixels leftpixels;
height: pixels, percentage;
width: pixels, percentage;

table {
   border:outset outset outset outset; 
   border-color: gold;
   border-width: 5px; 
   padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px; 
figure 3: Example Box

CSS : Selector << Previous Chapter || Next Chapter >> CSS : Position

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