ASP.NET : Custom Validator

Custom Validator
Checks the user's entry using validation logic that you write yourself. This type of validation enables you to check for values derived at run time.


ClientValidationFunction: Which JavaScript function that you want to check.


1. Create a ASP.NET website then add Standard TextBox and CustomValidator.
2. Create your JavaScript Function for validate (For this example will check about input digits).

        <! Example !!>
        <head> <title>Test Validate</title>

        <script language="JavaScript">
           function checkDigit(source, agrs) {
               if(agrs.Value.length < 8 || agrs.Value.length > 12
                   args.IsValid = false;
                   args.IsValid = true;

3. Select your CustomValidator and set require properties for validate (see Table 1).

ErrorMassagePlease input 8-12 characters

Table 1: Require Properties for CustomValidator

4. Test your application you will see error message when you input wrong condition (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Custom Check  Example


CompareValidator (Check Data Type) << Previous Chapter || Next Chapter >> RangeValidator

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